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We have found that some businesses and non-profit organisations believe they cannot afford to have technology focused leadership such as a CTO role within their leadership team. This also means there is a misunderstanding of the impact of not having technology as an enabler to meet their business goals.
This means that they miss out on operational efficiencies, data analytics, digital presence, trust from clients around data security, integration to partners and employee satisfaction.
All this can lead to higher turnover of employees and volunteers, leaving sales and growth opportunities on the table with partners, clients and doners. Limited business intelligence into client base and company trends, risk of technical debt and cyber security vulnerabilities. All this results in reduced trust from clients and workers meaning.
At Revelation Technology Services we provide fractional technology leaders' as a service' such as a CTO, this part time model drives a lower cost against employing a full time head. They join your team and act as an employee but are paid for what your business consumes, we tailor a role scope and objectives to your business based on where you are in your technology journey.
We have experience in many sectors and industries and have shown that our fractional technology leaders make an immediate impact in reducing further technical debt, aligning the IT strategy with the business requirements, giving confidence to internal and external stakeholders, ensuring a better experience for employees and clients.
We offer a wide range of technology leadership roles, a detailed explanation can be found on this website under 'Services'.
Revelation Technology Services has experience working with a variety of sectors and industries but our two specialist areas are non-profit organisations and small business with less than £3m or 30 employees
The term fractional simply means part-time as apposed to a full time role. A fractional role is a cost effective way of having a technology leader in your team.
A Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is a technology focused executive that overseas the IT department and is responsible for IT planning and operations based on the business requirements.
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You are loved. John 3:16